We are here to answer questions for you every step of the way. Visit our campus to experience what it means to be part of our community.
We recognize the spiritual, intellectual, emotional, social, physical, and creative gifts of each member of our community and provide a holistic education to challenge, assist, and guide students in their personal development.
Incarnate Word Academy is a college preparatory institution that prides itself on integrating faith development with high academic standards.
With 75% of Incarnate Word Academy students involved in one or more sports teams, learning to work as a team and developing good fitness habits is an important piece of the Angel experience.
Find out more about what we play, who we play, and when we play!
Incarnate Word Academy students are encouraged to grow through a variety of extracurricular clubs and activities. Our Mission Team helps students lay the foundation of their faith, our coaches help students to grow in leadership and life skills, and our club sponsors encourage growth in creativity, imagination, and exploration.
Incarnate Word Academy values its alumni relationships, and we encourage former students to return to campus each year for a variety of events.
School Leadership
Middle Level Faculty and Staff
High School Level Faculty and Staff
Visit Page
Rita Baldwin baldwinr@iwacc.org
Instructional Assistant
Crystal Benavides benavidesc@iwacc.org
Traditional 3rd Grade
Robert Boostrom boostromr@iwacc.org
Montessori Senior MES 4th and 5th Grades
Sr. Elizabeth Close closee@iwacc.org
Montessori Primary MP1
Norma Colunga colungan@iwacc.org
Administrative Assistant
Nanette DeGaish
STEM Teacher
Susan Denniston susan.denniston@iwacc.org
Sophia Elrod sophia.elrod@iwacc.org
Traditional 4th Grade
Cristina Fitzpatrick fitzpatrickc@iwacc.org
PE Coach
Sr. Fiona Fernandes
MP1 Teacher Aide
Mary Ellen Galvan galvanm@iwacc.org
Atrium Coordinator
Elva Garcia garciae@iwacc.org
Teacher Aide
Carolina Garcia carolina.garcia@iwacc.org
Jackie Holt jackie.holt.@iwacc.org
MES Aide
Sandra Ledesma ledesmas@iwacc.org
Traditional 1st Grade
Lisa Matl matll@iwacc.org
School Nurse
Shirley Matula matulas@iwacc.org
Juana Daniela Mazy Manon daniela.mazy@iwacc.org
Montessori Primary MP3
Laura McCracken mccrackenl@iwacc.org
Traditional K4 and K5
Calletana Muniz munizc@iwacc.org
Meagan Nye meagan.nye@iwacc.org
Kimberly Ogden kimberly.ogden@iwacc.org
Eduardo Ortiz eduardo.ortiz@iwacc.org
Traditional 5th Grade
Karleen Pape karleen.pape@iwacc.org
Lauren Power
Art Teacher
Yvette Rangel rangely@iwacc.org
Montessori Junior MEJ 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Grade
Angela Rodriguez angela.rodriguez@iwacc.org
Spanish Immersion Montessori Primary MP2
Maria Aguilar Salguero
Spanish Teacher
Kathryn Saenz saenzk@iwacc.org
Curriculum Director
Belinda Saldana saldanab@iwacc.org
Sarah Smith smiths@iwacc.org
Traditional 2nd Grade
Kevin Steen steenk@iwacc.org
Athletic Director
Jennifer Shay