The traditional program uses the subject curriculum organized around the four main subjects of religion, reading, writing, and math, and also includes courses in English, spelling, history, geography, science, health and safety, Spanish, art, music, physical education and technology.
- Religion
- Math
- Language Arts
- Social Studies
- Science
- Computer Skills
- Spanish
- Music
- Art
- S.T.E.M.
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Grading and Reporting
- Counseling and Guidance
The traditional program enriches student curriculum with religion classes daily. In an effort to create a Catholic faith community, our commitment is to provide each student the teachings of the Catholic faith.
The books used in grades K3 to K5 will be We Believe.
The books used in grades 1st-5th will be Alive in Christ.
Students participate in the preparation for Mass that is celebrated every Wednesday morning in the James R. Dougherty, Jr. Center.
Students attend Mass weekly.
Students are involved in seasonal activities such as Our Lady of Guadalupe celebrations, Stations of the Cross during Lent, Crowning of Mary, praying of the Rosary and Advent activities.
Students in grade 2 receive instruction in the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. Students receive First Holy Communion in their parish and we celebrate as a school community in May.
Incarnate Word Academy Elementary Level School participates in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program that enriches and vividly focuses on the life of Jesus Christ as the Good Shepherd.
Teachers of grades K5 to 5 use the Go Math series as their primary resource to guide the instruction of math. Among the objectives taught are number sense and numeration, whole number operations, fraction and decimal concepts and computation, measurement and temperature, money and time, estimation, mental math and reasoning, geometry, and problem solving. These skills are introduced at the lower levels, and as the students progress to higher grades, they are further developed, applied, extended and mastered. Skills specific to grades 3 to 5 include ratio, proportion and percent, statistics and probability, and pre-algebra. Technology is integrated into the Math program.
Language Arts
Language is the students' most important tool. The study of language enables the student to acquire knowledge and transmit information. Reading, Spelling, and English skills that include speaking and thinking skills are integrated so that the student can become confident and competent in using the language. These skills are developed in a more intense manner as the maturity of the student develops.
Kindergarten 4 and 5 classes use Fundations, which is a phonics based program for Language Arts. Grade 1 and 2 use the Sadlier phonics program.
Our reading program expands on vocabulary, develops comprehension skills, develops critical reading skills and study skills. K5 through grade 5 uses the Into Reading Houghton Mifflin series.
The student will develop the mechanics of capitalization, punctuation, and spelling in writing. These skills are more intensely developed in each grade level. Currently, the students in grades 1-5 are using the spelling program included in Into Reading Houghton Mifflin series. Students in grades 3-5 participate annually in a school spelling bee. The winner advances to the regional spelling bee.
Students develop oral language skills to communicate effectively with others and to develop oral composition. In addition, the student will develop writing skills through creative writing activities. They will also develop the skills of using parts of speech appropriately. Currently, first through fifth grade students are using the English program included in the Into Reading Houghton Mifflin series.
Social Studies
The content of this curriculum contains an application approach to science along with hands on lab experiences from life, earth, and physical science. The Texas Science curriculum provides opportunities for the student to apply science and engineering practices along with recurring themes and concepts in order to nurture a deep, holistic understanding and prepare students for any challenges. This program celebrates the power and potential of science learning and innovation, and lays the groundwork for a lifetime of scientific literacy.
Computer Skills
In K5, computer literacy is initiated by identifying the basic components of the computer. The students will begin with rules and procedures, parts of the computer and how to use the internet. They will learn how to use the mouse and spacebar, keyboard introduction, keyboard arrows, keyboarding, and sequencing. Students will practice English language arts, math and Internet safety. The computer will be used to reinforce skills in the first grade curriculum areas. Various educational software and creativity programs are used.
First Grade
In Grade One, computer literacy is initiated by identifying the basic components of the computer. The students will begin basic keyboarding by locating letters, numbers, and special keys on the keyboard. Students will also begin to use presentation software and learn Internet safety. The computer will be used to reinforce skills in the first grade curriculum areas. Various educational software and creativity programs are used.
Second Grade
In Grade Two, students will continue to increase their computer literacy using Windows and more advanced computer terminology. The students will continue keyboarding skills and typing. They will use a word processing programs and learn the associated tools. Students will begin to learn basic coding from Scratch. The students will use the Internet and learn Internet safety. Students will use educational software to reinforce the second grade curriculum.
Third Grade
In Grade Three, students will continue to increase their computer literacy using Windows and more advanced computer terminology. The students will focus on Word, PowerPoint and Excel programs. Students will continue to learn coding from Scratch. They will learn to use online search engines. The students will use the Internet and learn Internet safety. Students will use educational software to reinforce the third grade curriculum.
Fourth Grade
In Grade Four, students will continue to increase their computer literacy through advanced computer terminology and computer ethics. The students will continue to refine their keyboarding skills. They will focus on Word, Excel and PowerPoint processing skills to create research projects. Students will learn more advanced research skills such as evaluating validity of webpages and online information. The 4th graders will also learn how to create a webpage. They will learn Internet safety and use search engines on the Internet to locate information applicable to the fourth grade curriculum.
Fifth Grade
In Grade Five, students will continue to increase their computer literacy through advanced computer terminology and computer ethics. They will continue the use of Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Students will use Wordle, Comic, and Voice Recording to produce creative research projects. Fifth graders will also learn coding from Scratch. They will learn Internet safety and use search engines on the Internet to locate information for practical application of fifth grade curriculum.
There are six essential skills identified in the teaching of Spanish - listening, speaking, reading, writing, cultural awareness and language. Each skill is further broken down into several subskills for each grade level. These skills are developed in a more intense manner as the student progresses. All children from grades K3 to K5 receive Spanish instruction for 30 minutes twice a week.
Students in grades K4 through fifth will participate in S.T.E.M. classes. S.T.E.M. classes integrate science, technology, engineering, and math through hands-on lessons designed to teach critical thinking and reasoning skills. These types of lessons enhance student collaboration, creativity, and communication skills while empowering our students for the future.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parent-Teacher conferences are held twice during the year. During this time each parent is expected to meet with the child's teacher to discuss his/her progress. Most of the important factors in the growth and development of a child are so vital and often so complex that they can be shared fruitfully between teacher and parents only through kind and honest discussion.
Parents are encouraged and most welcome to call on teachers whenever they feel extra conferences are necessary. This can be done either by phone or meetings. It is important to make previous arrangements for an appointment.
Grading and Reporting
Grades are reported every nine weeks using a numerical system for grades one through five. Progress reports will be issued during the middle of each nine week grading period.
A = 90 - 100
B = 80 - 89
C = 75 - 79
D = 70 - 74
F = 69 - below.
The following are used in some subjects:
S = Satisfactory (80-100)
I = Improvement Needed (70-79)
U = Unsatisfactory (0-69)