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Being a kid isn't always easy, but if I can help provide a space for students to feel loved, heard and safe, then we have successfully done our job as educators. 

Katie Boyce, Club Sponsor

Club Sponsor: Katie Boyce

Mater Dei Lab (STREAM Lab)

Meeting Time:
1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month during lunch

Mrs. Boyce started the Be Strong club two years ago because she felt a calling to help ensure that inclusivity and kindness is rampant throughout our school and community. Students in this club are the frontline of kindness and inclusion, impacting their communities in various ways. 

The goal of Be Strong is to change the social climate through kindness, inclusion, resilience, advocacy, and awareness.

Fourth and fifth grade students in Be Strong meet twice a month for a We Dine Together Club - an all-inclusive lunch club where students discuss various ways to spread kindness throughout our school and ensuring that no one has to eat alone. Students are given a monthly task to complete to help spread kindness throughout our community.